New research article: “A pedagogical framework to promote sustainable financial literacy in competence-based vocational secondary education and training: The SuFi project case” has now been published

New article co-written by Ieva Margeviča-Grinberga, Jani Siirilä, Sandra Lake, Svetlana Surikova, and Tamara Pigozne has now been published in Aula Abierta. “This article analysed scientific literature and normative documents to design a pedagogical framework for promoting sustainable financial literacy in competence-based vocational secondary education and training within the Interreg…

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New Article: ”A Needs Analysis for Embedding Sustainable Finance Comptences into Vocational Business Education in the Baltic Region” has been published within the SuFi project.

Research article ”A Needs Analysis for Embedding Sustainable Finance Comptences into Vocational Business Education in the Baltic Region” by Jani Siirilä, Svetlana Surikova and Ieva Margeviča-Grinberga has been published in Journal of Education and Society. The aim of the article was to analyse relevant literature as well as financial services…

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New blogtext: SuFi takes vocational students´ economic thinking skills to the next level

Krista Kõrgesaar and Egle Säre have written in Estonian a blogtext called “SuFi viib kutseõppurite majandusliku mõtlemise oskuse järgmisele tasemele” (SuFi takes vocational students´economic thinking skills to the next level). The blog text explains how one the SuFi project results is an e-learning module to teach financial literacy in every…

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Nina Nordmans master´s thesis in collaboration with the SuFi project has now been published

Nina Nordman from Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences made her Master’s Thesis for Master of Communication and Marketing Management. Thesis Effective Brand Communication for Sustainable Funds using Programmatic Marketing was made in collaboration with SuFi project. Thesis was completed as a project, where the main objective was to increase brand…

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New blogtext: Teaching Sustainable finance

Jani Siirilä, Mika Mustikainen and Ville Hanni have written a blogtext about new course called Sustainable finance, which was planned and piloted as part of the Interreg Central Baltic funded Sustainability in Finance (SuFi) project. The course is very popular and found its way straight into a degree program. Find…

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Summarising the project results of 4th period

hands and tine plant

The INTERREG Central Baltic project “Sustainability in Finance – SuFi” ( consortium’s meeting was organised by Haaga-Helia on 3 March 2022 via Zoom. Fifteen representatives from six project’s partners’ institutions participated in the consortium’s meeting aimed to summarise and discuss the main results of the 4th reporting period from 1…

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Implementation of the SuFi modules is in progress

Sustainability in Finance project had our last consrotium meeting before Christmas on 9th of December. Thirteen representatives from six project’s partners’ institutions have participated in the consortium’s meeting aimed to present the primary results of the 1st piloting stage. Svetlana Surikova has written an article about the meeting to the website…

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